Teaching Your Child Good Oral Hygiene Habits

As a parent, you are your child's first and most influential teacher. Your influence extends a lifetime. Now's the time to teach your youngster good oral hygiene habits. At Burbank Pediatric Dentistry, we'll help you educate your child. As kid's dentists serving Burbank, CA, we take that role very seriously.

Starting good oral hygiene habits

Your child receives that first baby tooth at about age six months. As soon as it erupts, it's threatened by decay-causing oral bacteria. So, mom or dad, be sure to cleanse those new little teeth with a moistened 4x4 gauze pad and bring your child to Burbank Pediatric Dentistry no later than his or her first birthday.

Also, do not prop a bottle at bedtime to soothe your child to sleep. Baby bottle decay is very common, says the American Dental Association (ADA). It may destroy all of your little one's front teeth.

At the Burbank, CA, office, your little kid's dentist will look at how those precious baby teeth (there are 20 in all) are coming in and how his or her jaw is developing. This brief and friendly visit gets your child used to the dentist's office, staring your child on a path of good oral care.

Continuing them as your child grows

At age three, begin the process of independent brushing. With a small soft brush and smear of fluoride toothpaste, brush all baby teeth front, back, and chewing surfaces. As your youngster matures, add flossing; by age eight, he or she may be independent on these daily rituals.

At the dentist's office in Burbank, kids learn about low-sugar diets, wearing mouth guards for sports, and how water intake cleans teeth and supports healthy gums. By age seven, your child should have an orthodontic evaluation to ward-off complex smile alignment problems, states the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO).

When your child receives those first molars, ask the dentist about plastic sealants. These tooth-matched coatings protect the nooks and crannies on the chewing surfaces of back teeth. Also, fluoride treatments strengthen tooth enamel, further decreasing the chances of pediatric decay. These preventive services are quick and economical, guarding against the most common chronic disease in children: tooth decay (American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry).


At-home dental care can be fun. Model good brushing and flossing habits. Eat healthy. When you help your child brush and floss, incorporate games, songs, and a sticker chart to encourage a job well done.

At Burbank Pediatric Dentistry in Burbank, CA, our staff enjoys seeing your kids every six months. The dentists want to know your family well and help you achieve bright, healthy smiles for life. Call us at (818) 659-7772.

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