Your Child's First Cavity

Your child's first cavity can be alarming. It's a milestone you don't exactly look forward to! The doctors at Burbank Pediatric Dentistry Inc. are here for you in Burbank, CA, if this does happen. Our pediatric dentists can treat that first cavity with a filling.

If your child notices tooth pain or a cavity is discovered in an exam, it could be time to get a filling. Your pediatric dentist in Burbank, CA, can help. You need to treat cavities in both baby and adult teeth for their strength, so bring your child in as soon as you can for a filling.

Kids can be anxious about going to the dentist, which is another reason keeping up with regular dental appointments twice a year is important. Not only to prevent decay and cavities but so your child is comfortable coming in when you do need a filling.

An appointment for a filling can typically be done in under an hour. First, an anesthetic gel is used to start to numb the area before the Novocain injection, to make your child as comfortable as possible. The injection itself may be uncomfortable but then your child's mouth will be numb.

Any decay is removed and drilled away before the filling is placed. Fillings are a tooth-colored resin material that can make a tooth strong again and repair a smile. The filling material may be polished for finishing touches and to blend in with your child's smile.

There's a lot you can do as a parent to help prevent tooth decay and cavities. Keep up a routine of brushing for two minutes twice a day and flossing at least once a day at home. Encourage drinking water over sugary drinks, and bring your child in for regular cleanings and exams twice a year.

Burbank Pediatric Dentistry Inc., your pediatric dentists in Burbank, CA, are here for you if your child has their first cavity. When it's time for a filling, call us at (818) 659-7772.

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9:00 am-6:00 pm

