Sealants for Increased Dental Protections

You're probably here to learn how to protect your child's fragile teeth from cavities. Thankfully, you came to the right place because your dentist, Dr. Hamlet Avanesian, at the Burbank, CA, office of Burbank Pediatric Dentistry Inc. offers dental sealants to protect your child's dental health.

What Are Dental Sealants?

The biting surface of your child's teeth has grooves that help with grinding food but also provide a hiding place for food particles and bacteria. Bacteria build up in your child's teeth grooves and makes them vulnerable to teeth decay. However, dental sealants give your child's teeth a protective barrier.

Brushing your child's teeth helps remove the debris and bacteria but it's not enough. Dental sealants are a plastic resin material that your dentist will paint over the grooves in your child's teeth to keep the bacteria and food materials away.

When to Get Dental Sealants

Getting dental sealants as early as age 6 is a great idea. However, your kid can wait a while if their molars come in a little later. By age 12 when your child's second set of molars are coming in, they're due for another round of dental sealants. Dental sealants don't ruin your child's bite, and they can still chew normally. Your child's smile also remains preserved since the dental sealants aren't visible when they smile.

Dental Sealants Procedure

Getting dental sealants at the Burbank, CA, office is a protective dental procedure that your child will appreciate. It's not painful, so, you can reassure your anxious child. Here is the dental sealants installation procedure:

  • Clean teeth to remove plaque and debris
  • Dry teeth
  • Acid etch to roughen teeth surface
  • Apply teeth bonding
  • Apply dental sealant
  • Cure dental sealant with a special light

Even after getting dental sealants, your child still needs to observe excellent oral hygiene. Dental sealants aren't a permanent solution and will generally fall off after about 10 years. However, by this time your child will no longer be a child and will be able to better care for their teeth.

Call (818) 659-7772 to discuss getting dental sealants for your kids at Burbank, CA, Burbank Pediatric Dentistry Inc with your dentist, Dr. Avanesian.

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