What Happens if a Baby Tooth Doesn’t Fall Out?

When should you worry that your child hasn’t lost their baby teeth yet?

All kids will hit the same developmental milestones such as sitting up and walking; however, we all know that kids reach these milestones at different ages. The same is true for losing baby teeth. While most children will start to lose their baby teeth by six years old, we also have many parents that turn to our Burbank, CA, pediatric dentists because they are worried that their child’s baby teeth haven’t fallen out yet. Here’s what you should know, 

My child is six but hasn’t lost a tooth. Is this an issue?

If your child hasn’t lost a tooth by the age of six this isn’t immediately a cause for concern. After all, when kids start to lose teeth will vary a bit. Some kids lose teeth by the age of five while others won’t lose teeth until the age of seven; however, if your child hasn’t lost a baby tooth by 7 years old, it’s time to turn to our Burbank, CA, pediatric dentist.

How many teeth should my child be losing?

Your child won’t lose all of their baby teeth at once. Most kids will have lost about eight teeth by the time they are 8 years old. The front teeth are typically the first to fall out. Losing baby teeth may slow substantially between the ages of 8-10. Usually, the remaining teeth will fall out by age 10. You may also not notice teeth erupting during the period between 8-10 years old. Our pediatric dentistry team may recommend early intervention braces if,

  • There are missing permanent teeth (this is often a congenital issue)
  • There are extra teeth
  • There isn’t enough room for your child’s permanent teeth to erupt or eruption could cause crowding

We know that parents may have questions or concerns about their child’s smile and our Burbank, CA, pediatric dentists are here to make sure that you and your little one get the care everyone needs whenever they need it. To schedule your child’s next dental checkup, or to discuss concerns you have with our team, call Burbank Pediatric Dentistry at (818) 659-7772.

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